Flow​link® Cip​​​her ​Water Data Management and Analy​sis Software​

The Dashboard Page is an overview of the sites' flow data activity. Quickview of alarm status, and display data summaries of monitored sites. When an alarm is present, the colors indicate the alarm status and alarm details.

Site Information

The Site Information Page displays all available information about the site such as devices installed, graphs, alarms, location, diagnostics, device generated information and more.


The graphs feature allows creation of sophisticated views of flow data. Each panel can be customized to include multiple data points and resized to user preferences.


The Alarms Page shows a detailed list of site/device generated alarms. View all alarms at once or filter them to see active alarms. Clear alarms with the click of a button.


Add free-form text using the Notes function to capture important information about the site including recent observations and instructions, unique requirements of the site, maintenance reminders, and so on. Explanatory notes can also be added to individual entries in the Events log.


Site Management Streamlined

Instantly view site name, address, GIS coordinates, manhole number, alarm status, device voltages, time since last data received, and hydraulic conditions. Review events, devices, and logs. Quickly access or add documents, pictures, videos, and notes related to specific sites, allowing users to obtain critical data from one centralized platform rather than searching in emails and on disparate servers. Configure the meta-data points you want to see, such as model num​bers, serial numbers, firmware versions, TCP address, device status, and more, with data sent directly to Flowlink Cipher from the connected device. Site auditing is fast and easy with all recorded activity including when the site was created, when datasets were added, tenancy changes, attachments added and removed, when computed bands were added to the datasets, and when data was edited.​

Flowlink Site Mangement
Flowlink Site Mangement

Scatter Plot Analysis

Instantly evaluate hydraulic conditions in a reliable and repeatable manner, and ensure the quality of site data sets through scatter plots with best-fit curves automatically generated within Flowlink Cipher. 

Remotely detect problems at a glance with highly visible anomalies and/or trends on the scatter plot indicating a need for action. Use the controls within Flowlink Cipher to instantly change a time-series graph into a scatter plot display whenever there are two datasets in one pane in the time-series graph. Use the scatter plot display properties function to adjust point size and point color.

Flowlink Scatter Plot Analysis
Flowlink Scatter Plot Analysis
Rapid Data Export

Three data export buttons at top left of screen allow one-click export of data to CSV, reports to .pdf, and images to .jpg .png or .pdf.

Zoom Buttons

Five zoom buttons at top right allow users to zoom in/out and to move instantly back to their preset Home view, adjust the Home view dates, or jump to full screen, or zoom in and zoom out. Use Zoom in combination with time scrolling to quickly drill down into data sets of interest.

Toggle Graph View/Table View

Clicking the toggle button at middle right corner instantly changes the graph view to the table view and back again. Use toggle in combination with time scroll and zoom tools to focus in on an interesting event and quickly find out what happened at that point in time.

Data and Graph Editing

The pencil icon allows users to edit a data set to quickly correct errors or omissions. Use the Edit Graph button at bottom right to select data sets for level, flow, velocity, temperature to drag and drop them onto the graph and into the panes of your choice.

Data and Graph Editing

The pencil icon allows users to edit a data set to quickly correct errors or omissions. Use the Edit Graph button at bottom right to select data sets for level, flow, velocity, temperature to drag and drop them onto the graph and into the panes of your choice.

Time scrolling

Scroll easily and navigate quickly to specific dates and times using the back and forward buttons. Adjust your preset parameters to indicate preference to move back or forward by one hour or one day for each click.

Computed Data Set Tool

The computed data set tool allows site mangers to derive information from data. For example, locating the baseline dry flow period and overlaying it with the wet period to detect and analyze I&I (inflow an infiltration). Also use this tool to aggregate data from multiple sites for hydraulics analysis or reporting purposes including billing support.

​Pr​odu​​ctivity and Cost Benefits of Flowlink Cipher

Flowlink Cipher as a cloud-based solution significantly reduces the time and resources required to manage all wastewater-site related devices, events, data, and support technicians. With Flowlink Cipher there is no need to be physically on site to identify important events. Data at multiple sites is available at all times from any Internet connection with all relevant information stored and managed through a single, centralized platform. The expanded data-storage capacity now includes photos and videos to enhance site analysis. Time-saving dashboards and map views are easy to configure and are supported by cloud based analysis tools.

Hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Flowlink Cipher provides world-class security. There is no longer any need to spend additional time, money and resources on unusual efforts to prevent data loss or hacking. Site managers can sleep very well at night knowing they will never be hit with a ransom demand in the morning.

Reduced IT​ Costs

Information technology costs are greatly reduced with Flowlink Cipher. There is no need to download, install, configure, and support client-side software. Hardware and staffing costs related to setting up and maintaining local servers for flow measurement purposes are also eliminated. Software updates occur automatically in the cloud through resources provided by Teledyne ISCO. The customer's valuable IT resources are thereby free to focus on other mission-critical tasks.​

Data Upload

Flow measurement data from the site is delivered to Flowlink Cipher automatically via a remote cell modem. Data can also be uploaded manually in Flowlink 5.1 data format, or in .csv files.

Browser and Operating System Compatibility

Flowlink Cipher browser access compatibility incudes Chrome, Edge,​ or Firefox on desktops, laptops, and tablets running Windows 10, or through Safari on iOS, or Chrome on Android tablets.​

When you purchase instruments from Teledyne ISCO, you not only receive innovative, high quality products, you also receive excellent customer service and product support. Your initial purchase is only the beginning of Teledyne ISCO's ongoing commitment to their customers.