Flow Measurement & Level Sensing

LaserFlow product series
LaserFlow product series
Signature product image
DuraTracker product series

With more than five decades of industry leadership, Teledyne ISCO continues to advance automated water and wastewater flow measurement technology by developing durable and innovative products. Our products include area velocity flow met​ers and pertinent accessories to measure the flowrate and quantity of raw and treated wastewater, stormwater and industrial effluent in open channel and partially filled pipe​​ for a variety of purposes, including billing, process control, inflow/infiltration studies, modeling, and permit related reporting.​​​

Have Ques​​​tions?

Contact our expert Matthew Brownhill for more in​​formation.​

Call: +44 7867 136 542

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​Whether you're looking for an upgrade from your old sensor, or facing hazardous flow measurement​ conditions, Teledyne ISCO has a solution for you. Introducing LaserFlow, the only non-contact flow measurement device to read below the surface. The LaserFlow® device can be programmed to take a velocity m​easurement at single or multiple points below the water's surface. We also offer our intrinsically-safe LaserFlow Ex, specifically designed with safety in mind. For applications within the United Kingdom requiring certification by The Environment Agency, LaserFlow is designated MCERTS Class 2​.

LaserFlow® Non-Contact Subsurface Velocity Sensor

The LaserFlow® velocity sensor remotely measures flow in open channels with non-contact Laser Doppler Velocity technology and non-contact Ultrasonic Level technology. The sensor uses advanced technology to measure velocity with a laser beam at single or multiple points below the surface of the wastewater stream.

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LaserFlow® Ex Intrinsically Safe Velocity Sensor

The LaserFlow® Ex velocity sensor can be installed in hazardous areas defined as Class 1, Div 1, Zone 0 and ATEX category 1G. It remotely measures flow in open channels with non-contact Laser Doppler Velocity technology and non-contact Ultrasonic Level technology.

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Signature Flow Meter

The Signature is a configurable water flow meter for permanent discharge compliance monitoring of water flow rate, wastewater flow rate and stormwater flow rate.

Signature flow meters are designed for open channel flow measurement. The flow meter supports water flow meter technologies including bubbler, non-contact laser area velocity, submerged Doppler ultrasonic area velocity, and ultrasonic. The Signature can calculate flow using standard open channel level-to-flow and area velocity conversions, as well as user-defined equations, level to area data points, or level to flow data points, depending on the application need.

Signature flow meters are MCERTS certified to meet Environment Agency standards.

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DuraTracker® is a flow meter lik​e no other.

The DuraTracker is the most efficient and reliable flow measurement solution on the market today for a wide range of open channel flow measurement applications. It supports flow measurement technologies including non-contact laser area velocity, submerged Doppler area velocity, and ultrasonic. The intrinsically safe DuraTracker Ex provides the same benefits while being ATEX certified for use in potentially hazardous environments​.​

DuraTracker® Flow Meter

The DuraTracker flow meter is flow measurement made easy, wi​​th a durable build, low-cost, efficient operation, room to attach multiple devices and intelligent options for communicating data to the use​​r. This versatile flow meter is​ ideal for many flow applications.

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DuraTracker® Ex Flow Meter​ for Hazardous Areas

The DuraTracker Ex flow meter is designed for hazardous (Ex) areas classified as Class I, Div 1. Zone 0, ATEX Category 1G. It provides ideal flow measurement and remote communication solutions for wastewater collection systems.

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2100 Series Flow Modules

Compact, Modular Design

Stack up the flow monitoring power with as many as four 2100 Series Flow Modules on a single battery module! Mix and match modules to build a compact, integrated flow system.

  • Monitor multiple flow streams from just one stack
  • Set up and retrieve data from all modules on the same stack or networked together with a single connection
  • Use multiple battery modules in one stack for extended service life
  • Rugged sensors with digital electronics
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Flow Measurement Accessories

Complement your flow measurement​ technologies with accessories that minimize manhole entry, facilitate data retreival, meausure rainfall, and keep your system powered up.

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Power Options

Rugged and reliable batteries, power packs, and chargers for environmental monitoring applications.

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Want to learn more?

Contact our expert Matthew B​​rownhill for m​​ore in​​formation.​

​9-13 Napier Road
Wardpark North Industrial Estate
Cumbernauld, GLASGOW
​​G68 OEF, United Kingdom​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Call: 07867 136 542   Send Email ​​​​​